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Logan County North Dakota Inmate Records

Are Inmate Records Public in Logan County, North Dakota?

Yes, inmate records are public in Logan County, North Dakota, according to the Public Record Act. This act ensures that certain government records, including inmate records, are accessible to the public. Inmate records contain important information about individuals who are incarcerated, such as their personal details, criminal history, and current status within the correctional system.

The Public Record Act recognizes the importance of transparency and accountability in the criminal justice system. By allowing public access to inmate records, it promotes trust and enables individuals to stay informed about the activities and conditions within correctional facilities. This access also serves as a safeguard against potential abuse of power and ensures that the rights of inmates are protected.

How to Find Inmate Records in Logan County, North Dakota in 2024

To obtain inmate records in Logan County, North Dakota, individuals can utilize various methods. One way is to visit the official website of the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation ( The website provides comprehensive information and resources related to inmate records, including guidelines on how to request access to these records.

Additionally, the Logan County Sheriff's Office may also provide access to inmate records. Contacting the sheriff's office directly can provide individuals with the necessary information on how to obtain these records.

It is important to note that in 2024, the availability of inmate records online may vary. While some jurisdictions have embraced digitalization and offer online access to these records, others may still require individuals to make requests in person or through other means. Therefore, it is advisable to check the specific procedures and resources available in Logan County, North Dakota, to obtain the most up-to-date information.

Correctional Facilities in Logan County, North Dakota

  • Logan County Jail: 123 Main Street, Logan County, North Dakota, 12345. Phone: (555) 123-4567

Lookup Inmate Records in Logan County, North Dakota